Happy Sunday readers! Although my normal Friday post of Confessions of a Traveling Stamper is late, its because I have been busy. Sorry about that! This week has been pretty normal but I wanted to post about some of the fun things we have done this week.
Andy has been at work a lot this week working about 13+ hour days so its mainly been me and the pups. On Monday night, we both were able to attend a travel seminar about the upcoming Christmas Markets in the area. Christmas Markets are where you can buy any kind of imaginable item for Christmas in the market (aka like farmers market style) places. They will have everything from mulled wine, to ornaments, and hand stitched items. I can’t wait to see what things we can get for our house that aren’t things that we can find at like Target. It will be nice to have unique items to decorate with.
The travel seminar was put on by Jennifer Dombrowski, a fellow military wife, who’s husband is stationed at Aviano and who runs a travel blog. Check out some of her amazing adventures at http://jdombstravels.com/. Her blog is great for getting information about traveling in Europe!
The rest of my week consisted of a Girl Scout troop meeting (we finished our cooking badge by making nontraditional sandwiches), preparing for our field trip for our next meeting, a spouses bowling event (which I just hung out and socialized instead of actually bowling), and going and seeing some of my Girl Scout girls in the play Annie here on base. They were so cute!
Andy and I went out with friends to dinner last night. Of course he is the adventurous one when trying new foods. He had cuttlefish that was prepared to be a type of stroganoff. I had lasagna. When I think lasagna I think red sauce, beef, and either ricotta or cottage cheese and plenty of shredded mozzarella. The lasagna I had had some type of overcooked asparagus, cream sauce and something else we couldn’t quite figure out what it was. I wasn’t a big fan and instead ordered an Italian favorite…french fries 🙂
Today has been a pretty relaxed Sunday. We went to brunch on base this morning, ran some errands on base while we were there and came home. I made a sympathy card for a guy that Andy works with and a fall card because its finally starting to feel like fall here. The leaves are turning and the temps are dropping…just in time for Thanksgiving! The cards I made are the ones above. Enjoy!
Great job lady! Sounds like you are keeping quite busy there! Do you get the same tv shows as we do?
We don't really get the same tv shows at the same time you guys do in the States. We have AFN (Armed Forces Network) which shows some shows, but about a month after they are in the US. I have found a few websites that I can watch my favorites on. I can hook my laptop up to the tv and watch it that way. While the internet is MUCH MUCH slower here, I usually can watch an hour show in about 3 hours haha